EU4PFM Component 2 completed study visit: Ukrainian partners improved their knowledge of public procurement

A Ukrainian delegation consisting of officials from the Verkhovna Rada, the Ministry of Economy, the Accounting Chamber, the State Audit Service and the Antimonopoly Committee concluded a fruitful three-day study visit to Latvia (11-13 June).

The visit, organised by Component 2 on Public Procurement of the EU4PFM Programme, aimed at exchanging knowledge and best practices on public procurement with Latvian counterparts.

On the third (final) day of the study visit, the Ukrainian delegation had a meeting with the company implementing the Rail Baltica high-speed railway project – “European High Speed Rail” Ltd. The Latvian colleagues presented the Rail Baltica high-speed project, the approach to public procurement within it as well as project audit and oversight related considerations. Afterwards, Ukrainian colleagues participated in the visit to the Rail Baltica Riga Airport train section construction site. 

At the meeting with the “Latvian State Roads” SJSC, the Kekava bypass public-private partnership (PPP) project was presented to Ukrainian colleagues.  The parties discussed PPP project implementation and oversight, risk management approaches and lessons learned. “Latvian State Roads” SJSC representatives encouraged their Ukrainian counterpart to consider the use of PPP in delivering infrastructure. However, they also advised to take a balanced approach towards PPP and select truly feasible projects for further implementation.

The Ukrainian delegation actively participated in Q&A sessions throughout the visit, demonstrating a strong commitment to knowledge exchange.

This EU4PFM-supported study visit is a positive step towards strengthening public procurement processes in Ukraine and achieving European standards.