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Interviews & experts opinions

Public finance management reform: digitalisation as a tool to lift processes to a new level of governance and eradicate systemic issues
By Oleksandr Hrubiian, Deputy Minister of Finance of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization, and Dragan Jeremić, EU4PFM International Key Expert on IT
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Interview with Jurgita Domeikiene, EU4PFM Team Leader and International Key Expert on HR/PAR
As we step into the year 2024, we’re excited to launch “Voices of Expertise,” an interview series highlighting exclusive insights. In this captivating journey, we will introduce our international key experts who are facilitating changes, shaping policies, and sharing their insights in the transformation of the public finance management landscape in Ukraine. By giving faces to the programme, we aim to bring you closer to the experts who are guiding us towards EU membership.
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Protecting intellectual property rights: what measures does the EU customs employ to combat counterfeiting and why is it essential for Ukraine, aspiring to join the European Union?
Safeguarding borders against the infiltration of counterfeit goods stands as a top priority for the EU. The EU Council, in May 2021, identified crimes related to intellectual property as a key aspect among the EU’s top 10 threats in combating organized crime from 2022 to 2025.
Why is it so important? Because trade in goods that infringe intellectual property rights causes significant harm to rights holders, users or groups of producers, as well as producers and traders who retain the rights. It can also mislead consumers and endanger their health and safety.
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Bridging Taxation Worlds: Ukraine’s Path to Harmonize with the EU Tax Legislation and Modern Administrative Practices
In the realm of tax legislation, as Ukraine advances towards European integration, the harmonization of its tax system with European Union (EU) standards becomes a complex undertaking. This process entails adapting national tax laws to EU norms, which are continuously evolving. It is a journey that calls for close collaboration, commitment, and learning from the EU member states, particularly those with well-established tax systems.
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Guiding the Future: Mentorship’s Transformative Role in Ukrainian Public Institutions
By Jurgita Domeikiene, EU4PFM Team Leader, International Key Expert on HR/PAR, and Kristina Jakubaityte-Revutiene, EU4PFM International Expert on HR
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What businesses and lawmakers need to know about the system that is to be abolished on 7 November 2023?
Ukraine is reforming its customs system in accordance with the EU standards. At the same time, Ukraine continues to use its own regulations introduced long before the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU and before it submitted its application to join the EU. From the point of view of the European integration process, these provisions are temporary.
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Challenges and Opportunities for Ukrainian IT Sector on the Road to the EU
Ukraine received the status of a candidate country for EU membership on June 23, 2022 and initiated the process of negotiating EU accession. This process involves the candidate country’s preparation to implement EU laws and standards. The negotiation process consists of 32 chapters grouped into six clusters, and IT plays a crucial role in nearly all of these chapters (see infographic for more details).
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Organising Internal Audit in Ukraine: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Centralised vs Decentralised Approaches
In June 2023, the EU4PFM project concluded a paper that encompasses possible modalities for the future development of the internal audit function in the Ukrainian public sector. The paper draws insights from a comprehensive study conducted in EU and non-EU member states, comparing various configurations for public sector internal audit. The focus of this comparison lies in centralised and decentralised internal audit arrangements, aiming to learn from other countries’ experiences and derive implications for the future of internal audit in Ukraine. The findings and recommendations presented in the paper aim to foster discussions that contribute to shaping future policy development regarding internal audit. This article highlights the main points and potential pathways for public sector internal audit in Ukraine.
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Ukraine’s Progress Towards the Customs Union with the EU
The European Commission positively assessed the results of alignment of customs legislation and customs procedures with those of the EU in the context of Ukraine’s application for EU membership in its report. What Ukraine will be assisted with in the immediate future?
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How Ukraine succeeded in staying well on track with the implementation of PFM reforms, even in wartime
It is almost one year since russia launched its unprovoked attack on Ukraine and the country continues to fight struggle for its freedom in this brutal war.
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