EU4PFM – EU for competitive, sound and thriving Ukraine.

The overall objective of the EU4PFM Programme is to improve Public Finance Management (PFM) in Ukraine, thereby ultimately improving public service delivery and the business climate. The specific objectives of the Programme that are to support the further development of a modern, efficient and fair revenue collection system and to support relevant PFM institutions in the enhancement of their organizational capacities.
The Programme is supporting reforms in revenue mobilization that will strengthen institutional and organizational capacities of Ukrainian institutions in introducing and implementing a modern tax compliance strategy aimed at promoting voluntary tax compliance, reviewing and modernizing business processes within the tax and customs administrations, establishing and operationalizing the new Financial Investigation Service, broadening Ukraine’s tax base through, inter alia, improved tax-related information flows with other countries, and countering tax avoidance, continuing legal approximation of relevant tax and customs laws and regulations with EU norms and international best practices, and improving capacities of the tax and customs administrations.
The Programme is also supporting legal and procedural changes in customs and trade facilitation areas, in particular by supporting the introduction of the New Computerized Transit System and Ukraine’s joining the Convention on the Common Transit Procedure. Furthermore, the programme will support the introduction and implementation of the Authorized Economic Operator scheme and strengthened customs clearance process. Enhancement of the post clearance controls and improved audit capacity are further objectives of the Programme.The Programme is as well supporting Ukraine’s PFM institutions in designing and implementing modern Human resources management practices including anti-corruption provisions, reviewing, adapting and automating business processes, modernizing institutional structures and practices and strengthening capacities of Ukrainian PFM institutions in designing, implementing and monitoring reforms.