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EU4PFM Highlights Key Achievements at 13th Steering Committee Meeting

July 17, 2024

EU4PFM Highlights Key Achievements at 13th Steering Committee Meeting

Launch of new Customs Code development, international operation of NCTS Phase 5, and development of Budget Declaration using IT solution for budget planning represent key achievements in the first half of 2024 of the EU4PFM Project and its Partners.

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Ukrainian customs in the 2030 horizon. The goal is to prepare for joining the Customs Union and the EU

July 16, 2024

Ukrainian customs in the 2030 horizon. The goal is to prepare for joining the Customs Union and the EU

The reform of Ukrainian customs, which is currently being implemented, has a particular task: to prepare Ukraine for joining the European Customs Union. Achieving this task within customs is essential for recognizing Ukraine as ready to join the European Union, a topic discussed at intergovernmental conferences on the launch of negotiations on June 25.

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Global Perspectives on Public Procurement. Edition №1

July 16, 2024

Global Perspectives on Public Procurement. Edition №1

The World Trade Organization and the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement

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Results of the “Customs Visa-Free” in Q2 2024: declaration numbers rise despite the transition to NCTS Phase 5

July 12, 2024

Results of the “Customs Visa-Free” in Q2 2024: declaration numbers rise despite the transition to NCTS Phase 5

In Q2 2024, the State Customs Service of Ukraine processed 25,500 transit declarations under the Common Transit procedure (NCTS), 2,000 more than in the previous quarter. Notably, around 15,000 of these were processed using the new NCTS Phase 5 system.

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Public Internal Financial Control in Ukraine: Achievements and the Road Ahead

July 11, 2024

Public Internal Financial Control in Ukraine: Achievements and the Road Ahead

In the beginning of 2024, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, with the support of the EU4PFM Programme, hosted a conference on Public Internal Financial Control.

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How Can Ukraine Develop and Implement All Customs IT Systems Necessary for Joining the EU by 2030? Practical aspects on which the result depends

July 5, 2024

How Can Ukraine Develop and Implement All Customs IT Systems Necessary for Joining the EU by 2030? Practical aspects on which the result depends

Customs IT systems are one of the key aspects of successful customs reform, with the nearest goal being a positive assessment by the European Commission regarding Ukraine's readiness to join the European Union in the customs sector.

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Concept for a unified IT accounting system for the public sector approved

June 27, 2024

Concept for a unified IT accounting system for the public sector approved

The second meeting of the Interagency Working Group established to develop technical and functional requirements for an IT system for public sector accounting took place today.

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Ukraine successfully passes OECD Global Forum assessment

June 26, 2024

Ukraine successfully passes OECD Global Forum assessment

On June 26, 2024, the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (OECD Global Forum) approved the Report on the maturity of the information security management system in Ukraine.

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EU4PFM Factsheet 2024

June 26, 2024

EU4PFM Factsheet 2024

EU4PFM Programme in brief

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EU4PFM continues to strengthen public procurement knowledge in the regions: successful training held in Vinnytsia

June 25, 2024

EU4PFM continues to strengthen public procurement knowledge in the regions: successful training held in Vinnytsia

On 20-21 June, the EU4PFM team of public procurement experts, together with partners from the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, conducted the second regional training in Vinnytsia.

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