Concept for a unified IT accounting system for the public sector approved

The second meeting of the Interagency Working Group established to develop technical and functional requirements for an IT system for public sector accounting took place today.

The development of functional and technical requirements for this IT system is supported by the EU4PFM Project.

The event was attended by Oleksandr Hrubiian, Deputy Minister of Finance for Digital Development, Digital Transformations, and Digitalisation, Head of the Working Group, Jurgita Domeikienė, EU4PFM Team Leader, Jenni Lundmark, Head of the Public Finance Management, Budget Policy and Statistics Sector of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Finance, key spending units, and international EU4PFM experts.

During the meeting, the participants approved the Concept Note for the development of an IT system for accounting and financial reporting in the public sector. This marks the transitioning to the next stage — the creation of technical requirements for the IT system, which will form the basis for the tender.

The IT system for public sector accounting («E-accounting and reporting») will replace commercial software products currently used by budgetary institutions. The correct organisation of accounting in information systems is crucial for public sector entities, as it affects the quality and reliability of financial and budgetary reporting.

The purpose of the IT system is to implement a comprehensive solution to automate the accounting and reporting processes of public sector entities and to integrate them with government information resources.

This will ensure:

EU4PFM Team Leader Jurgita Domeikienė thanked all members of the Working Group for their participation and stressed that the most important outcome of the meeting was the ‘green light’ to continue the work. Ms Domeikienė also informed that EU4PFM plans to expand the team in order to attract additional resources to create the technical requirements, which is the next step in the project.

Deputy Minister of Finance Oleksandr Hrubiian expressed gratitude to the EU4PFM Project for its support in developing functional and technical requirements for the IT system, as well as all participants for their constructive comments, which demonstrated a shared vision and understanding of the project’s objectives.