EU4PFM continues to support the Ministry of Finance in the preparation for the EU accession screening process

This was highlighted by EU4PFM international expert on PIFC, Manfred van Kesteren, during a recent meeting with First Deputy Minister of Finance Denys Uliutin and representatives of the Ministry’s State Internal Financial Control Harmonisation Department.

The discussion focused on preparations for the first round of EU accession negotiations on Chapter 32 of the acquis Communautaire (Financial Control), scheduled for October 9 in Brussels. Mr. van Kesteren underlined the importance of PIFC readiness for this crucial milestone and assured the partners of EU4PFM support in this process. The parties discussed these preparations and exchanged updates on the progress made.

Meeting participants also spoke about the upcoming PIFC Conference for senior management of key spending units, which is scheduled for October. The conference will highlight PIFC developments, PIFC assessment results and the linkage with EU accession requirements. 

In addition, Mr. van Kesteren discussed with the partners current developments in internal control and internal audit, the ongoing EU4PFM support in PIFC and the progress made on the development of the IT Portal for PIFC. This IT solution will streamline PIFC processes and enhance internal control and internal audit functions within public sector organisations at both central and regional levels.

By providing comprehensive support and guidance, EU4PFM is playing an important role in ensuring that the Ministry of Finance is well prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities presented by the EU accession process.