EU4PFM Project expands in Ukraine

We’re thrilled to kick off 2024 with great news: as Ukraine continues its journey towards EU membership, a crucial step was taken on December 22 with the signing of the Contribution Agreement on the “Extension of Public Finance Management Support Programme for Ukraine (EU4PFM)” by the Central Project Management Agency and the EU Delegation to Ukraine.

This agreement extends the implementation of the EU4PFM Project until December 31, 2025, with an extension until December 31, 2026, in the customs stream. Starting January 1, 2024, the EU4PFM Project has evolved with the addition of two vital components: Public Procurement and External Audit, and Parliamentary Oversight.

Here’s what the enhanced Project will encompass:

With ambitious plans for the years ahead, EU4PFM is dedicated to pursuing its primary objective: facilitating Ukraine’s journey toward EU membership.

Stay tuned as we move forward together!