EU4PFM resumed full implementation of PFM reforms and advanced EU integration agenda activities in the first half of 2023

EU4PFM Team Leader Jurgita Domeikiene emphasised this during the opening of the 11th Steering Committee Meeting today.

Traditionally, the event brought together partners from the Ministry of Finance, the State Tax Service, and the State Customs Service, as well as representatives from the European Delegation to Ukraine and EU4PFM international experts. The purpose was to discuss the overview of project activities, budget execution, and results achieved in the first half of 2023.

“We are progressing along all the priority directions that were announced at our last meeting, and I hope this progress will continue to increase. I am grateful to the teams of the EU Delegation and EU4PFM for continuing to support us in establishing all the necessary prerequisites for acquiring EU membership. You constantly find a way to provide us with the support we need and accomplish the impossible at your level,” said Denys Ulyutin, First Deputy Finance Minister of Ukraine, during his welcome speech.

Xavier Camus, Head of Operations Section 1 “Good Governance and Democratisation” of the European Delegation to Ukraine, welcomed the participants and provided updates on key developments of the EU-Ukraine agenda in the PFM area. Mr. Camus also commented on the project’s implementation, stating, “We assess that most of the project activities are on track. We would like to highlight the good progress in customs, tax, internal control, and public accounting streams. The budget planning component is especially important in the context of agreements between Ukraine and the IMF, so we are pleased to provide support in this area through the EU4PFM programme,” added Xavier Camus.

During the presentation of Project activities, Jurgita Domeikiene noted that the support priorities to align Ukrainian legislation with the EU acquis were defined and agreed upon between the Project and Partner institutions. “In the first half of the year, we have deployed or are in the final phase of development for almost all IT solutions that were initially planned. Several critical procurements for the development of IT solutions in budget planning and tax administration areas have been launched. With that being said, I would like to thank our partners for the synergy and highly productive cooperation,” added the EU4PFM Team Leader.

EU4PFM remains committed to supporting PFM reforms in Ukraine and continuing its work towards EU membership.

The next EU4PFM Project Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for February 2024.