The Accounting Chamber with the support of EU4PFM hosts a Round-table on improving Risk Management in the organization’s work

On 17 October, the Accounting Chamber with the support of EU4PFM organized a Round-table focused on practical aspects of improving risk management within the organization’s work. The event brought together the department directors and section heads within the Chamber and external experts to discuss strategies for identifying, assessing, and responding to risks that could impact the institution’s operations and credibility.

The Round-table began with opening remarks, by Inguna Sudraba, Team Leader of the EU4PFM Programme Component 5 “External Audit and Parliamentary Oversight”, and Vasyl Nevidomyi, Secretary of the Accounting Chamber. Ruslana Rudnytska, EU4PFM expert, followed with a presentation on “Effective Risk Management: Identification, Assessment, and Response.”

Participants engaged in practical discussions covering key areas such as:

📍Formulating risks;

📍Risk identification techniques;

📍Common mistakes in risk formulation;

📍Risk assessment (probability and impact);

📍Defining response strategies.

Given the systemic changes expected at the Accounting Chamber, including anticipated amendments to the “Law on the Accounting Chamber,” addressing risks effectively has become a crucial step in making sound decisions and ensuring the institution’s stable operation.

The Round-table featured a hands-on session where participants were trying to identify and analyze risks within the Chamber’s environment. Together with moderators Ruslana Rudnytska, EU4PFM expert and Tetiana Borovkova, ACU representative they worked on formulating control measures and prioritizing risks.

This event is the first within the framework of activities of Component 5 of the EU Public Finance Management Support Program for Ukraine (EU4PFM). Moving forward, the project will provide the Accounting Chamber with organizational and methodical support in organizing similar meetings and discussions.