Updated on: 2024-07-16

EU4PFM has a diverse portfolio of activities in support of digitalization at Partners Institutions, so that their business processes are more transparent, controlled and aligned with EU best practices.

Contribution to drafting of strategic documents:
  • Support was provided for the development of the Strategy for Digitalisation and Digital Transformation in the PFM system until 2025 and related Action Plan;
  • With support from EU4PFM the SCS has developed and officially adopted its Strategic Plan of Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitalisation for 2022-2023 and an action plan. An even more comprehensive plan for the following period, until 2026, was produced in 2024, aligned with relevant provisions of the EU’s Multi-Annual Strategic Plan for Electronic Customs (‘MASP-C’);
  • The Plan of Digital Development of the STS until 2030 was drafted, with inputs from international advisors of EU4PFM;
  • Preparation of the draft institutional strategy on IT development of the ACU was supported.
IT services developed:
  • Online map of customs facilities (infrastructure map) – checkpoints, locations for customs clearance and international postal exchange and sorting stations – developed and running: https://map.customs.gov.ua/.
  • Module for processing public appeals (E-appeal) – developed and running: https://cc.customs.gov.ua/.
Developed IT solutions:

For the State Customs Service of Ukraine :

  • Computerised Transit System (NCTS) Phase 4 – deployed and rolled out at the national and international levels;
  • Help Desk for NCTS Phase 4 – launched;
  • 350 bar code scanners – transferred to regional customs checkpoints to speed up information input in NCTS;
  • Development of NCTS Phase 5 – completed, the software is put in operation. Trader Portal is developed to serve as one of platforms for submission of transit declarations and exchange relevant information on common transit processes in accordance with the legislation in force;  
  • Technical specifications for KSZI development for NCTS – produced;
  • Automated risk management platform ASUR 2.0 – developed and tested;
  • IT system on post-customs clearance control (Post-Audit 1.0) – developed and tested;
  • The technical specifications for a new Help Desk were drafted, a license for this software was procured and will be customized to the needs of the SCS by Q4, 2024. It will serve to administer user requests, incidents and analytical systems (including NCTS Phase 5);
  • Technical specifications for Customs Decision System (CDS) were drafted. The development of software for Customs Decisions System (CDS) – an IT solution which should automate the processes of considering by customs authorities of applications from economic operators is supported – the front end will be developed in Q3, 2024.

For the State Tax Service of Ukraine:

  • Single Tax Account ranking module (a tool for exchange of information on tax liabilities with the State Treasury Service of Ukraine) – developed, running. Amendments to the software for the Single Tax Account administration are made to enable data screening by territorial codes;
  • Mobile applications for e-cash registers (IOS, Android, Windows, Web) – developed and made available to the economic operators;
  • New Webportal – developed and launched;
  • Elements of software for e-Audit (SAF-T file) – developed and published;
  • Technical specifications for the full-fledged software on e-Audit – drafted. The software development is underway and will be completed in 2024; 
  • After drafting the technical specifications, the development of software for the automated big data processing system for transfer pricing risk analysis has commenced (will be completed in 2024);
  • Storage for electronic qualified signature provided to the STS;
  • The Contact Centre of the STS is essentially modernized with innovative solutions to increase productivity and quality of responses to taxpayers’ calls;
  • Technical specifications drafted for IT system for the administration of tax disputes, system – developed and put in operation. This system automates the process of considering taxpayer complaints and cases in courts;
  • The software for the sub-system for automatic exchange of tax information with foreign tax jurisdictions – technical specifications drafted, software developed and tested;  
  • After drafting of the technical specifications, the development of subsystem “Universal catalog-classifier of goods” of the information and communication system “Single window of electronic reporting” of the STS has started and is in progress, until Q3, 2024. It will allow to attribute goods to correct types of categories using their deformalized name in fiscal invoices;
  • The data accounting system for e-cash information system – under development, to be completed in 2024.

For the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine:

  • Technical specifications for the two IT solutions which will support the MoF’s budget planning and monitoring function – produced. The development of software is in progress (to be completed in 2024);
  • The analysis of existing IT infrastructure of PFM institutions and capacities for disaster recovery – performed. The high-level design document for the sectoral (PFM) cloud solution – produced.

Support provided for the strengthening of the IT infrastructure:  
  • The modular datacenter with servers, storage system and network equipment is procured for the SCS and launched to serve as disaster recovery IT solution;
  • The supply of 1000 laptops for STS personnel relocated from zones affected by war in Ukraine – completed;
  • The supply of the mobile data container for the STS is initiated and will be completed in 2024;
  • 850 licenses for multi-factor authentication have been provided to the MoF to enhance data security;
  • Hardware for remote work of SCS employees – 200 laptops and video conference equipment – delivered and installed (as a special support measure related to COVID-19); 
  • New hardware for Wi-Fi at the main office of the SCS – procured and running;
  • Server and network equipment for the backup datacenter of the MoF – supplied (war related emergency support intervention); cloud storage services are activated for a period of one year;
  • Anti-virus and data protection software delivered to the MoF;
  • 450 laptops are delivered to the MoF and 100 laptops – to the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, for remote work due to security emergency.


Main achievements


Main achievements


Main achievements


Main achievements

Budget process modernisation

Main achievements