EU4PFM continues to help in the development of onboarding and mentorship in the State Customs Service: the online version of the “Startbook” for new customs officers is available

Among the innovations that have become important components of the updated system of adaptation of new employees (onboarding) and mentorship in the State Customs Service, a special place is occupied by the guidebook for beginners – “Startbook”.

Currently, in addition to the printed edition, an online version of the “Startbook” has become available for young Customs employees, and can be found on the website of the State Customs Service of Ukraine.…

“Startbook” corresponds to the best examples of the EU HR practices and is intended for those who are just starting their work in the customs service – for specialists who do not have experience or those who return after a break in the service. The handbook contains all the necessary information about customs for beginners: the mission and values, main tasks, work schedule, rules of ethical behavior, professional development, etc.

As noted by Jurgita Domeikiene, EU4PFM Team Leader, further cooperation with the State Customs Service in the development of the Startbook project is also planned. “Work on online manuals for territorial customs offices is now being completed, a separate version is being prepared for each of them, taking into account the peculiarities of trade and transport flows of individual regions. And the related specifics of the work of customs officers in different locations,” said Jurgita Domeikiene.