About the new system of customs simplifications and about the procedure for obtaining and benefiting from the status of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) from the EU4PFM project for Legal High School
“The AEO program, in the first place, is aimed at honest business, which is ready to work honestly, transparently, and openly”, – commented Oleksiy Vorobiov, the EU4PFM National Expert.
It is about the new system of customs simplifications, as well as the procedure for obtaining and benefits of the status of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Oleksiy Vorobiov presented to Legal High School students.

He highlighted that the AEO program is primarily aimed at an honest business that is ready to work honestly, transparently, and openly. It is a partnership agreement between the state and business, under which the business is ready to open more to regulatory authorities, including customs, to show the settings of its internal processes and procedures, which makes it possible to simplify customs procedures.
The lecturer told about the history of the AEO program and noted that it is an innovation for Ukraine, but in the world, it is already used in 97 countries, and in 20 more – is being implemented. In addition, there is a procedure for mutual recognition of AEOs and the world has already concluded 87 bilateral agreements on mutual recognition, 4 – regional; another 78 agreements are under negotiation. Such an agreement allows equating the rights of another country’s operator with its operators and giving them the same advantages in customs clearance.
Oleksiy Vorobiov told the history of the establishment of the AEO program in Ukraine and the framework that regulates these processes. Speaking about the simplifications and benefits provided by the AEO, he gave students advice on how to choose the right program for your company. At the same time, he stressed voluntary participation in the AEO program, so each company must consider how relevant it is to participate in it.
Speaking about special simplifications of AEO, the lecturer carried among them independent imposing of seals of a special type; general financial guarantee; simplified declaration procedure; the procedure of issuance by location, he analyzed the algorithm of their work and pointed out the benefits of each of the simplifications, according to the publication on the website of the Legal High School.
The advantages of AEO were also considered, including completion of customs formalities as a matter of priority; risk reduction to determine the list of customs formalities; use of a specially designated lane at the checkpoint; use of the national AEO logo; notification that the goods and vehicles have been selected for customs inspection.
Separately, the lecturer provided a list and analyzed in detail the criteria that the company must meet to obtain the status of the operator of a particular program (C or B). In addition, the algorithm for passing the assessment of compliance with such criteria and a list of verification measures and necessary documents to be prepared for the procedure were described, as well as addresses of electronic services through which you can apply for authorization and monitor the status of assessment.
You can watch the lecture following the link
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