An efficient and motivated team of the SCS — a high-quality and comfortable service for citizens and businesses

The State Customs Service is changing its approach from personnel administration to personnel management, says Jurgita Domeikiene, Key International Expert in HR/PAR and EU4PFM Team Leader. 

The State Customs Service has approved an updated procedure for organizing mentoring and adaptation. One of the innovations is the guide for beginners – “Startbook”, an important component of the modernized adaptation system in the State Customs Service, developed with the support of EU4PFM. 

“Startbook” is an example of the best European practices and will be a useful navigator for those who are just starting their work in the customs service. That is, for young specialists without experience or those who return after a break in the service. 

The “Startbook” contains all the necessary information about customs for beginners: the mission and values, main tasks, work schedule, rules of ethical behavior, professional development, etc. 

With the support of EU4PFM, the following was prepared: 

As Jurgita Domeikiene, EU4PFM Team Leader noted, the project provided expert methodological support and advised the Ukrainian customs during the development of content and design. In addition, EU4PFM experts will conduct training events on mentoring topic. 

The EU4PFM project is ready for further fruitful cooperation!