Call to participate in the public procurement on the Development of NCTS Phase 5 compatible national transit application
Lithuanian Public Institution Central Project Management Agency (CPMA) conducts public procurement of the Development of NCTS Phase 5 compatible national transit application services (Services or Procurement). The final owner and beneficiary of the Services is the State Customs Service of Ukraine.

The Services are financed within the frame of the Contribution Agreement signed on the 19th December 2018 No. ENI/2018/404-165/2018/4-14-23 by European Union, represented by the European Commission, and CPMA, concerning the implementation of the Programme “Public Finance Management Support Programme for Ukraine (EU4PFM)”. The Programme is financed under the EU European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI).
The deadline for submitting the tenders is 10/11/2021 10:00 am Lithuanian time.
Information actual to this Procurement:
Please be kindly informed that CPMA is carrying out the Public Procurement via the Central Public Procurement Information System of Lithuania (CVP IS):
Only suppliers registered in the CVP IS may participate in the Procurement. Any information, explanations of the Procurement Documents, notices, or other correspondence between the CPMA and the Supplier shall be carried out only using the CVP IS.
The tender must be submitted only by electronic means, using the CVP IS. Training material on how to use CVP IS (how to register, submit a tender, and all other related information) could be found here
Notice, procurement documents, and all other relevant information of the Procurement can be found via these links:
We are kindly inviting you to submit your tenders for this Procurement.