E-Cash Registers (ECR) in Ukraine: who benefits from it?
Paulius Majauskas, Head of Tax and Customs Administration Division. Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania, International Expert on taxation in the EU4PFM Program shared thoughts about one of the most crucial tax reforms, which is observed not only by Ukraine but also by its international partners. This is the digitalization of the tax administration system.

And one of its most striking examples is the introduction of e-cash registers.
It is a modern and innovative tax administration tool that has been implemented only by a few countries of the European Union so far. And today Ukraine is also successfully implementing this initiative.
The revolutionary nature of ECR is not only that it is an effective tax administration mechanism ensuring a fair payment of taxes. The point is also that such IT solutions greatly facilitate the interaction both between the business and the State Tax Service of Ukraine and between the business and its clients.
What is the benefit?
Free use. Part of the success of any reform is its accessibility.
Convenience. E-cash register is easy to register. It is registered through the taxpayer’s electronic account.
Reliability and transparency. ECR can be easily called one of the most positive elements of the tax culture.
Digitalization. It is no secret that international success stories are now based on the digitization and automation of processes.
Free choice for entrepreneurs. An important aspect in the introduction of ECR is that entrepreneurs have a choice.
The international image of the State. Strengthening of tax compliance is not only an internal process but also one that strengthens a country’s image in the international arena and increases its investment appeal.
Increase of tax compliance.
The EU4PFM project helps to introduce the ECR reform in Ukraine by providing expert support for the development of the legal and regulatory framework, methodological recommendations, as well as financial support for the development and improvement of IT solutions for ECR.
The full version is available under the link https://bit.ly/3gXG6UC