EU4ACU project developed a Brandbook for the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine and will help employees to use it

One of the tasks of the EU4ACU project is to assist the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine in communicating the results of its activities in accordance with the principles of INTOSAI.

In particular, the international standards require supreme audit institutions to provide information in a simple and clear way. For this purpose, EU4ACU experts developed instructions on using the visual style for the employees of the Accounting Chamber and delivered a training explaining how to apply these instructions. Now the ACU will have a document that links graphics, colour and font solutions, as well as other design elements in one place. 

For the convenience of employees, the brandbook includes templates of many documents of the Accounting Chamber. This will help to unify the documents, reducing the time for their preparation and processing. Despite air alarms and power outages, almost 70 employees of the Accounting Chamber from Kyiv and regional offices participated in the two-hour online training. During the training, the participants had the opportunity to improve their skills in designing presentations, using logos, colours, corporate fonts and other aspects of visual style.

EU4ACU “Strengthening Capacities in External Audit in Line with International Standards in Ukraine” is a project financed by the European Union and implemented by DAI, aiming to ensure more efficient oversight of public resources through enhanced capacities in external audit of budgetary funds by the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine (ACU).