EU4PFM expert workshop for Ukrainian customs officers on the application Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention on Preferential Rules of Origin
On 23–24 November, EU4PFM held a remote workshop “Empowering all relevant officials at the central and regional levels to apply the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention on Preferential Rules of Origin”.
The purpose of the event was to train trainers from among Ukrainian customs officers, who would be able to subsequently share their knowledge with their colleagues

At the two-day workshop, the EU4PFM expert, Aneta Bobeva, covered in detail such issues as:
- Preconditions for the implementation of new (alternate) rules of origin under the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) convention within the framework of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Reasons, consequences, procedures, preparations. Practical aspects of new elements in alternate rules of origin under PEM.
- Outlines of differences in comparison with the current rules of origin under PEM, and examples of the application of new elements in alternate rules of origin under PEM.
- Discussion of practical implementation of rules of origin under PEM. Needs further assistance in the application of rules of origin under PEM.
The workshop sparked the considerable interest of customs officers and gathered more than 90 participants.
The participants noted that the expert had not only showed the difference between alternate rules of origin under PEM compared to the current rules but also shared her own experience and brought the Ukrainian customs officers up to speed on the practical aspects of applying those rules.
It should be noted that Ukraine is a party to the Convention on Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Preferential Rules of Origin and sometimes applies the rules of origin under this regional convention as regards the identification of origin. Application of common rules of origin and the principle of diagonal cumulation provides advantages for the development of trade relations in the PEM region and for involvement in regional and international added-value chains.
Let’s implement changes together!