EU4PFM experts continue to familiarize the Ukrainian customs officers with European experience on customs clearance of low value
On 21-23 December, EU4PFM experts held a remote workshop on EU Practice for the Processing of Customs Declarations of low-value consignments.

The organizers and participants of the seminar focused on IT solutions for declaration processing systems. European experience in this field is especially useful for Ukrainian specialists, as Ukraine is undergoing legislative changes in customs procedures for international postal items and, accordingly, new IT systems need to be developed to reduce the time spent on low-value cargo.
During the three-day seminar, EU4PFM expert, Justas Dukavičius, highlighted the following issues:
- Business cases within the IT system, which includes low-value consignments (LVC) (customs import formalities);
- The functionality of the IT solution of the Smart Customs declaration processing system (iMDAS) of the IT system of the Lithuanian Customs, developed for customs import formalities for LVC;
- Customer portal of the customs declaration processing system (LVC self-declaration system for individuals);
Recommendations on the functional requirements of the IT solution for customs import formalities for the LVC IT system.
The event was a logical continuation of a seminar on the EU e-commerce package related to customs clearance formalities of LVC, which the program’s experts held on 14-16 December.
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