EU4PFM is looking for International Key Expert on budget planning to work in Ukraine
EU4PFM Programme is looking for International Key Expert on budget planning (IKE8) to work in Ukraine.
IKE8 will be a long-term expert with experience in the implementation and coordination of international capacity-building projects related to budget preparation, implementation, and control and good knowledge of regional political realities, legislation, and priorities for action, Application deadline is 31st of January, 2022. TIME: 12:00 Vilnius time.

About the Project: The overall objective of the programme, with a total budget of 55.5 MEUR is to improve Public Finance Management (hereinafter – PFM) in Ukraine, thereby ultimately improving public service delivery and the business climate.
The EU assistance on PFM will provide a major impetus to the implementation of the Government PFM strategy.
The main beneficiaries are the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Tax Service, State Customs Service, Accounting Chamber of Ukraine, and Bureau of Economic Security (hereinafter – MoF, STS, SCS, ACU, and BES).
The reform areas for the EU support programme in the area of public finance are as follows:
- Support relevant national institutions in the improvement of budget preparation, implementation, and control.
- Contribute to the better management of public expenditures in the areas of public investments, fiscal risks, and payroll management,
- Support the further development of a modern, efficient and fair revenue collection system (tax and customs administration) and Financial Investigation Service, and
- Support relevant PFM institutions in the enhancement of their organizational capacities.
Following the adoption of the EU programme “Public Finance Management Support Programme for Ukraine – (EU4PFM)” in November 2017 by the European Neighbourhood Instrument’s Committee, Central Project Management Agency (hereafter – CPMA) was identified to implement the Programme’s Component 1 “Budget process modernisation, improved control and accountability” with the specific objective “Support relevant national institutions in the improvement of budget preparation, implementation and control”, Component 3 “Revenue mobilisation” with the specific objective “Support the further development of a modern, efficient and fair revenue collection system” and Component 4 “Horizontal functions and governance“ with the specific objective “Support relevant PFM institutions in the enhancement of their organizational capacities” (hereinafter – Action) through indirect management. The allocated budget to CPMA for the implementation period of the Action – from the 20th December 2018 until 19th December 2024 – is 36.985 MEUR, of which 0.5 MEUR is the co-funding of the Republic of Lithuania. The Action is based in Kyiv, Ukraine, and deploys a team composed of a number of International and National Experts for the whole duration of the Action.
The Project Team is be based in Kyiv including the Team Leader, International Key Experts, (hereinafter IKEs), National Project Coordinators (hereinafter NPC) assisting IKEs, national and international mid-term and short-term experts.
About the Organisation: CPMA encourages a horizontal and transparent organisation based on trust and the independent work of experts/consultants. More information on CPMA and EU4PFM Project: EU4PFM – EU4PFM Website.
Duties and Responsibilities of the IKE on Budget Planning (IKE 8):
Summary of Key Functions:
- Overall supervision of the effective implementation of the activities and representation of the Action’s budget planning domain, including IT Support Fund;
- Provide strategic expert advice to Ukrainian counterparts on budget planning activities, as specified in the Action’s results and the relevant agreed Work plan;
- Oversee and coordinate the work of specialized expertise in the budget planning domain and ensure full delivery of agreed outputs in the budget planning area;
- Ensure consistent liaison and engagement with key programme partners and stakeholders in the budget planning domain as well as communication and consultation with the EU and other donors.
A preliminary outline of tasks of the IKE on Budget planning (IKE 8):
a) Strategic Action Management – Overall supervision of the effective implementation of the activities in relation to the budget planning domain through inter alia:
- Develop in coordination with the TL annual Work plans in the Budget planning area that contributes to the delivery of outputs under EU4PFM;
- Oversee delivery and implementation of the annual Work plans in the Budget Planning area and take corrective actions, as necessary;
- Manage the delivery of the annual Work plans in the Budget Planning area through consultants, contractors, including developing terms of reference, participating in procurement, engagement of international and national experts, and overseeing their delivery to ensure high-quality outputs;
- Manage the monitoring and evaluation of plan delivery of the Action’s Component 1 on Budget Planning and ensure regular and effective monitoring and evaluation of all activities in the Budget Planning area, including the initial development of appropriate baselines and targets in the Action Logframe;
- Ensure risk management and actively manage risks in order to achieve Action’s results in the Budget Planning area;
- Provide timely and insightful inputs to reports (Monthly, Progress, Final) on the implementation of the Action in Budget Planning area and prepare relevant reporting outputs, as necessary.
b) Strategic expert advice on Budget Planning (including organisational issues):
- Provide strategic expert advice to Ukrainian counterparts on budget planning, liquidity management, and budget execution servicing as well as public sector accounting;
- Provide direct advice to counterparts, including training seminars, knowledge products, comments on strategic documents, etc.
c) Oversight and coordination of Action’s activities for the Action’s Budget Planning domain:
- Oversee, engage and coordinate the work of specialized expertise in the Budget Planning domain (drafting and coordination of the TORs for experts, supervision of the development of strategic documents in relation to budget planning reform; supervision of the technical reports and deliverables produced by international and national medium/ short term experts, NPCs, other inputs);
- Coordinate with the TL and if relevant with the EUD to Ukraine and other EU4PFM implementers on budget planning to avoid duplication of activities;
d) Representation, knowledge sharing and reporting:
1. Act as the CPMA’s Focal Point for the development and implementation of Components 1 on Budget Planning, focusing on the achievement of the following results:
- Position CPMA as a key partner in the development and implementation of the Ministry of Finance administration, including by providing robust technical and legal expertise on a range of budget planning related issues;
- In coordination with the TL represent CPMA in meetings with EUD in Ukraine and other donors involved in the PFM reform in Ukraine on budget planning;
- Prepare regular briefs for sharing with CPMA senior management and donors on the development and implementation of Component 1 on Budget Planning;
- Ensure that the accountability, transparency, and integrity principles are integrated into programming and policy of the Components 1 on Budget Planning activities, as appropriate, also when advising the partner institutions;
- Ensure integration of gender, environmental, and other cross-cutting aspects into the planning of Component 1 in the Budget Planning domain.
2. Promote networking and knowledge sharing on Budget Planning within the Ukraine institutional partners and beneficiaries, the main donors in Ukraine, and the CPMA, focusing on the achievement of the following results:
- Coordinate closely with other EU and other donors (e.g. IMF, USA, Germany via GIZ, WB, other) funded programmes and projects to enhance integration and ensure coherence in the Ministry of Finance.
Requirement for the position
The proposed IKE on Budget Planning (IKE 8) should have the following profile:
General professional experience
- Minimum 10 years of practical working experience as a management-level official in the ministry of finance and/or as a consultant, advisor in the international context.
Specific professional experience
- Extensive, preferably 10 years, experience in design and implementation of medium-term budget planning and formulation systems;
- Experience in development and roll-out of budget planning IT solutions is an asset;
- Experience in formulation and improvement of programme-based budgeting systems;
- Experience in international projects providing technical assistance to the public sector (ministry of finance is an asset).
Qualifications and skills
- University diploma (economics, finance or relevant field);
- Sound command of written and oral English. Knowledge of Ukrainian and/or Russian is a distinct advantage;
- Advanced computer literacy;
- Excellent communication (written and oral) skills;
- Proven organisational skills;
- Very good analytical skills;
- Proactive, results-driven approach, track record of successfully working in multi-national teams;
- Ability to work both in a team and autonomously with minimum supervision but within the respect of given constraints and guidelines.
The aforementioned assignments shall be planned and carried out working together with the TL, other IKEs, the CPMA Project Team, and the assigned responsibilities in the EUD in Ukraine.
The EU4PFM programme is a contribution to the Ukrainian PFM sector reform, therefore, the ability to properly respond and adapt to the constantly changing situation in Ukraine is of major importance. In the event of any inconsistency between the aforementioned functions and the time limits for its completion, priority shall be given to consulting the donor of the Action and the CPMA Project team.
Diversity and equal opportunities: CPMA embraces diversity and respects human rights in all areas of its work. Discrimination of any kind including based on gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or culture is not accepted. Personnel shall respect the equal rights of individuals and strive to create an atmosphere where people’s differences are accepted and valued.
Personal data protection: responding to this Expression of Interest, you give consent to process your personal data.
Please note that your data will be stored on the central server of CPMA. Please find more information by visiting the following website
All information received will be stored on CPMA’s secure servers, which are not accessible from the public website for third parties.
The purpose of processing the data you submit is to manage each expressed interest in a view of a possible pre-selection at the Agency.
The lawfulness of the processing of personal data is based on Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data.
Sectors | Public finance management domain, Budgeting, and public expenditure
Opportunity type | Employment Contract for 12 months with the possibility of extension
Budget | max 16 500 EUR per month (including salary, related taxes, per diems, flight tickets, accident, and health insurance)
Expected starting date | February 2022 (tentative – upon the agreement)
Organisation | Central Project Management Agency (CPMA), Lithuania
Duty location | Kyiv, Ukraine (including regional coverage)
Contact Point | [email protected]
Selection procedure: please submit your CVs to the e-mail [email protected] and indicate the title of the applied position. Be informed that only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted to take part at the further selection stages.
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