EU4PFM provides expert support in improving the HR strategy of the Ministry of Finance
With the expert support of EU4PFM, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine held a discussion on improving the its HR strategy from the 17th to 20th of January.
Participants in the discussion were representatives of the Ministry from the Human Resources and Organizational Development Department, the Strategic Planning and European Integration Department, the Reforms Office at the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, and International Expert Robertas Serenas.
“The purpose of the discussion is to increase the effectiveness of the HR strategy of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine,” said Robertas Serenas.

The Ministry’s team was focused on developing strategy’s objectives and indicators which will allow a more accurate assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the strategic objectives of the document.
The result of four days of joint work came in a form of developed changes.
“It was important for us during the discussion to form a vision and revise the strategic goals for the personnel management development so that the results of their achievement were measurable, achievable and effective, – says Dmytro Syvokon, Director of the Personnel and Organizational Development Department. -There is still a lot of work to be done in updating the action plan of HR strategy implementation. This work will be carried out taking into account the information and knowledge received during the meeting.”
As it was stated earlier, last year the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine approved the HR strategy for 2021-2024 and the EU4PFM experts provided guidance on its development.