Members of the Ukrainian Association of Customs Brokers were introduced to specifics of application of the Common Transit Regime
The remote round table on “The specifics of filling out customs declarations within the Common Transit procedure” was held on March, 3, at the initiative of the Directorate of the Ukrainian Association of Customs Brokers (UACB) with the participation of representatives of the State Customs Service and EU4PFM. More than 50 representatives of the Association took part in the discussion.

During the round table NTF “Intes” Company presented the first developments of brokerage software that will ensure the submission of T1UA declarations in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine “On approval of the Procedure for filling out customs declarations of certain types” and the order of the State Customs Service “On approval of forms and data sets of electronic messages of the common transit regime”.
As previously reported, the order of the State Customs Service “On approval of forms and data sets of electronic messages of the common transit regime” is a necessary step in establishing interaction between third-party software used for declaring goods with the computerized transit system (NCTS) through a software interface (API). and the order of the Ministry of Finance “On approval of the Procedure for filling in customs declarations of certain types” establishes uniform requirements for filling in declarations of certain types.
The participants’ questions were answered by: Mr. Serhiy Demchenko, Director of the Department of Customs Development and Control of the State Customs Service, Ms. Alina Brandak, National Coordinator for Common Transit, Head of the International Transit System Development Department of the Customs Development and Control Department of the State Customs Service, Ms. Natalia Kuznets, Chief State Inspector on Common transit of the Department of Implementation of the International Transit System of the State Customs Service, Mr. Konstantin Bilchuk, EU4PFM expert.
The State Customs Service will continue a series of seminars on NCTS for other business associations to make the process of transition to a common transit system as understandable as possible for business.
To recall, two remote seminars on Common Transit have already been held, organized by the State Customs Service and the Ministry of Finance in cooperation with the EU Public Finance Management Program in Ukraine (EU4PFM), for representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce (ACC) and the European Business Association (EBA).
In November 2020, Ukraine began the process of introducing a Common Transit Regime. NCTS is the technology that underlies the European Convention on the Common Transit Procedure. The implementation of NCTS will take place in three stages: a pilot project, national application and international application of NCTS. A special section has been created on the official website of the State Customs Service, as well as seminars for business are forseen.