EU4PFM stays united with Ukraine and consolidates efforts to support PFM reforms towards EU membership as well as in the context of Ukraine’s Recovery Plan

EU4PFM Team Leader Jurgita Domeikiene emphasized this today during the opening of the 10th Steering Committee Meeting.

The event gathered partners from the Ministry of Finance, State Tax Service, and State Customs Service, with the participation of the European Delegation to Ukraine representatives and EU4PFM international key experts.Overall project implementation, budget execution, achievements in the second part of 2022, and priorities for 2023 – are the key topic of today’s Steering Committee meeting.

«Over the past year, we have already adapted to many things that previously seemed unrealistic. We found the strength and skills to set up work so that our state continues to function, and people receive uninterrupted basic services and protection while fighting off russia’s armed aggression. And I am very grateful to the EU Delegation and EU4PFM teams for walking this path with us, each time finding a way to provide us with the necessary support and doing the impossible at your level: from meeting our critical IT needs at the outset to making with us the next steps on the way from candidacy to full membership in the European Union», – said First Deputy Finance Minister of Ukraine Denys Ulyutin during his welcome speech.

Xavier Camus, Head of Operations Section 1 “Good Governance and Democratization” of the European Delegation to Ukraine, welcomed the participants praising the commitment and resilience of Ukrainian institutions and referring to a number of developments. One of these is the establishment of the Multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform for the recovery of Ukraine that will help to lead the definition of financing. «New macro-financial assistance programme is available in Ukraine with €18 billion, where several conditions of the Memorandum relate to PFM and EU4PFM. Among those are advancing customs administration reform, improvements in IT and HR resources, budget transparency as well as anti-corruption measures, and criminalisation of smuggling. Implementing the roadmap for phasing out the temporary emergency measures adopted after the start of the war in the area of tax policy is also of the highest importance. We are ready to discuss with partners how to support and implement these developments», – Mr. Camus added.

«We succeeded with the willingness of partners institutions to increase the volume of project activities despite the difficulties related to this brutal war and energy supply problems. Most of our activities in the 2nd half of 2022 were related to PFM reforms and EU integration agenda as our focus was shifted from emergency support to primary objectives of EU4PFM», EU4PFM Team Leader Jurgita Domeikiene summarised and presented an overview of project achievements to the participants in detail.

EU4PFM stays committed to supporting PFM reforms and continues its work taking into account the immediate needs of its partners.

 The next EU4PFM Project Steering Committee is scheduled for July 2023.