Results 2021: TOP-5 Achievements in Tax area
The EU4PFM project has summed up the results of activities in 2021.
The TOP-5 results in each area of the project’s cooperation in the PFM field with partner institutions in Ukraine: the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the State Tax Service of Ukraine, the State Customs Service of Ukraine, and the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine prepared for a public audience.
Today we share the key achievements in the Tax area.

Among the TOP-5 common achievements of the EU4PFM project with partner institutions:
- Approved new Service Delivery Model Strategy and its implementation Roadmap are under implementation.
- Tax Code amendments on implementation of OECD standard on global automatic exchange of information on bank accounts among more than 100 jurisdictions were adopted.
- Almost 2,5 thousand taxpayers paid several taxes for 1,3 bln. UAH (38 mln. EUR) by one transaction due to deployment of Single Tax Account.
- More than 80 thousand taxpayers used almost 230 thousand e-cash registers due to enhanced E-cash registers operation framework.
- Draft Transfer Pricing rules on commodities were elaborated should contribute to real market price-based taxation.
Moving forward together!