EU4PFM presented the results during the 6th Steering Committee Meeting
The European Union Project EU4PFM ‘Public Finance Management Support Program in Ukraine’ conducted its 6th Steering Committee Meeting on July 14, 2021. During the meeting, the key stream results for the first half of 2021, main risks of further implementation and plans for coming periods were discussed.

The event was attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the State Customs Service, the State Tax Service, the Accounting Chamber, the Reform Support Team (RST), representatives of the EU Delegation to Ukraine and other international partners.
Opening the Steering Committee meeting, Mr. Xavier Camus, Head of Operations Section 1 ‘Good Governance and Rule of Law’, the EU Delegation to Ukraine, hailed the progress made in most of the project’s activities in the first half of 2021 and expressed continued support for the reforms in Public Finance Management, the Tax and Customs areas. Also, Mr. Camus indicated the readiness to provide the EU expert support in the preparation of comments on the draft law on the criminalization of smuggling, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in the 1st reading, as well as in the preparation of proposals for the 2nd reading of the law.
As was highlighted by Project’s Team Leader, Ms. Jurgita Domeikienė, for the reported period the EU4PFM Experts have already implemented 65% of the Work Plan in each type of activity. The priority topics of the Project realization remain adherence to the time frame, quality and consistency of the results.
‘Protection of National interests and recovery of Ukrainian economy requires strong systemic decisions. The issue of the best possible and effective work of the state institutions is especially relevant nowadays. The support from the European Union is a clear milestone in building up the economically developed and democratic State’, – said Denis Ulyutin, the First Deputy Minister of Finance. – With the support from the EU and EU4PFM Project in the first half of 2021, the Ministry of Finance completed the development of important strategic documents including the Public Finance Management System Reforms Strategy for 2021-2025 and Digitalization Strategy in the Public Finance Management System, as well as the first Budget Declaration for 2022-2024. These documents give a clear idea to our internal and outside partners about our goals and necessary transformations in the Public Finance Management area and allow us to create an effective cooperation.’
Efforts in the Tax area were aimed at improving Digital Services for taxpayers and enhancing the efficiency of the State Tax Service, in particular, a General Concept for the provision of services was developed and approved, IT solutions for better functionality of the Tax Declaration Submission, Unified Tax Account and Contact Centre were developed. Expert support was provided on a wider use of e-cash registers in businesses. Currently, active work is underway to implement the Risk Management System. The priority topics of Project support remain the harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with the EU legislation, introduction of the Common Transit Regime (NCTS), legal support and search of IT solutions for Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) implementation together with far-reaching communication of these changes, which are being implemented according to the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine.
Additionally, were finalized the Concept of IT Infrastructure Modernization and New Information and Analytical System of the Accounting Chamber. They have been developed with the EU4PFM support and aimed for implementing the best IT solutions and software of the EU audit institutions to strengthen the supervisory function of the Accounting Chamber in Public Finance Management System. Introducing a strategic approach to HR / PAR, methodological work is in progress to create and implement HR strategies, develop an internal motivation system, introduce the training programs on strategic planning, project management, integrity assessments and other employee training. During first 6 months of 2021, 33 trainings were conducted for Partner Institutions and 1612 employees participated. Ms. Jurgita Domeikienė noted that as of today, all Ukrainian Partner Institutions use Staff Survey as a tool for engagement in the HR development; 3 out of 4 Institutions have implemented HRM strategies. Together with the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the Competency Framework has nearly been completed, which will be the basis of the entire HR management process. In the future, this practice will be extended to other Institutions.
In order to study a public opinion, the EU4PFM Program conducted the survey among 1,200 respondents on Public Finance Management to assess the performance, general attitude and topics of interest.
For circulating the information, information campaigns and seminars were held together with partners, posters, infographics and videos were developed.
Jurgita Domeikienė, Team Leader & International Key Expert on HR / PAR, emphasized: ‘Together with the Partner Institutions, the EU4PFM Programs results have been implemented. But it should not be a reason for a stopover. At this stage, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness and consider the risks when planning further work. Systemic reforms are in progress in Ukraine and the EU4PFM Program is technically supporting their implementation in practice by sharing the European best practices.’