The STS with the EU4PFM support is working on the relaunch of the Сontact Сentre

The State Tax Service of Ukraine continues to move forward with important transformations and developments. Therefore, the STS with the EU4PFM support is working on the relaunch of the Сontact Сentre.

Last Friday, Danylo Getmantsev, Head of the parliamentary Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs policy visited one of the STS Contact Centres where the presentation of the progress of the modernisation of the software and hardware complex took place. The relaunch of the Contact Centre is among the government’s priorities for STS digitalization, aiming to improve the quality of services for taxpayers based on best EU practices.
The launch is planned for early spring.

What taxpayers will get in the end? 
•  communication with the taxpayer in real time
• reduced waiting time and quicker response for the maximum number of payers    
• an electronic queue for visiting the STS through the STS Contact Center
• feedback, the possibility of customer evaluation of the STS Contact Center