EU4PFM resuming activities in the HR field

This autumn EU4PFM’s primary focus will be on the Adaptation of newcomers, Recruiting, and Mentorship.

Practical guide for newcomers will allow Partner Institutions to draw crucial information about the organization and help newcomers to get ready for their new job, to get comfortable and feel welcome at the organization. It is aimed to ensure that employees’ first day at a new job and onboarding in Partner Institutions would be an overwhelming experience.

Library of competency-based interview questions will provide guidelines for the recruitment interview for the members of the competition commissions and support Partner Institutions in conducting effective interviews to select suitable candidates for the right position.

Methodology for mentoring will help Partners to develop effective leaders in their institutions to lead powerful teams. It will provide mentors and mentees with guidelines on how to be fully engaged, create a satisfying experience and establish a collaborative partnership to unlock staff potential.

“I am glad to announce that we resume our HR activities and continue our work with Partner Institutions in this area. The main goal remains the same despite ongoing terrible war – strong and modern public finance management institutions with high staff potential ”, EU4PFM Team Leader, International Key Expert on HR/PAR Jurgita Domeikiene comments.