What authorizations for the use of transit simplifications can be obtained by Ukrainian enterprises that use NCTS?
What are the types of authorizations for the use of transit simplifications for Ukrainian enterprises that use NCTS; what are the conditions for obtaining them; where to find the form for filling out the necessary documents and where to submit them – concise information about this can be found at the infographic elaborated with the support of EU4PFM and posted on the website of the State Customs Service
https://customs.gov.ua/iaki-sproshchennia-mozhut-otrimati-ukrayinski-treideri-iaki-vikoristovuiut -ncts.
The information in the infographic has been updated in accordance with the legislation that regulates the application of the common transit procedure after Ukraine joined the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure and the start of international application of the NCTS.
Now the key documents on the issue of a common transit are the Convention on the procedure of a common transit, the Customs Code of Ukraine, and the Resolution of the CMU of September 27, 2022 No. 1092 “Some issues of implementation of the provisions of the Customs Code of Ukraine regarding the granting of authorizations” https://zakon.rada.gov. ua/laws/show/1092-2022-%D0%BF#Text
Another important document is the order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated 07.10.2022 No. 325 “On approval of the Procedure for the implementation of the provisions of the Convention on the procedure of a common transit on the territory of Ukraine”
The main types of authorizations are “status of authorized consignor”, “status of authorized consignee”, “use of special type seals”, and “use of general guarantee”. The conditions of receipt provided that the enterprise must be a resident, can independently choose the type of authorization (one or more), fill out documents in accordance with the Resolution of the CMU of September 27, 2022 No. 1092, and submit documents to the State Customs Service.
Information on the legislation regulating the use of common transit in Ukraine is constantly updated on the official website of the State Customs Service in the section “Common transit (NCTS)” https://customs.gov.ua/rezhim-spilnogo-tranzitu-ncts, subsection “Regulatory and legal acts”. Answers to the most common questions regarding authorizations for the application of transit simplifications for Ukrainian enterprises using NCTS are also available on the official website of the State Customs Service in the section “Common transit (NCTS)”, section “Questions and answers” https://customs.gov.ua /forum/?tag=ncts-140.