Ukraine continues to implement the BEPS plan
Implementation of the European practice. Ukraine continues to implement the BEPS plan, which aims to counteract the erosion of the tax base and the withdrawal of profits from taxation.

International experts of the EU4PFM Project share with experts the State Tax Service of Ukraine the best experience in implementing such a plan in the European Community. In particular:
– methodological support provided during the development and discussion of the provisions of tax legislation on the implementation of BEPS measures (improvement of transfer pricing rules, taxation of controlled foreign companies, introduction of tax rules for permanent establishments of non-residents)
– an active part was taken in the preparation of drafts of general tax consultations, which explain the application of the adopted legislation.
The BEPS plan is being implemented in Ukraine today:
– to implement clear mechanisms to combat aggressive tax planning aimed at artificially reducing the tax base and shifting taxable profits to low-tax jurisdictions
– establishing uniform transparent tax rules for taxpayers in Ukraine and non-residents from other countries in order to prevent business tax evasion.
The EU4PFM project is happy to support all Ukraine’s initiatives on this difficult path!
Let’s implement change together!