EU4PFM is ready to join the discussion on customs IT architecture and IT transformation roadmap
EU4PFM’s priority for the nearest time in the customs stream is to support Ukraine in joining the Convention on Common Transit Procedure – in particular, completing the development of the regulatory framework and passing the conformity tests, which are necessary steps for joining the Convention.
Another priority is to support customs IT transformation. This was discussed during a monthly meeting on customs issues, which took place online on November 4. Representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the State Customs Service, the EU4PFM Programme, the Reform Support Team (RST) of the Ministry of Finance, and the State Customs Service participated.

Vytenis Ališauskas, EU4PFM International Key Expert on Customs, informed about the support in the implementation of the Common Transit System (NCTS), in organizing a series of seminars on harmonization of customs legislation, expert support in the field of criminalization of smuggling.
“After all the talks, we conclude that a common customs IT architecture is needed. It should answer the question: what systems and processes should be served,” said Vytenis Ališauskas.
In his view, IT architecture should become the basis for a “roadmap”. “It would be important to discuss the roadmap with EU4PFM and the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine to understand what resources we need to provide for its implementation next year,” said the expert.
Vytenis Ališauskas spoke on plans to hold communication seminars for territorial customs officers; business processes for postal items in connection with the introduction in the EU from June 1 of new legislation and new systems; EU experience in implementing new IT systems in the field of guarantee management, continuing a series of seminars on the EU customs legislation, expert support on the topic of criminalization of smuggling.
Oleg Nikolaichuk, Deputy Head of the State Customs Service for Digital Development, Digital Transformations, and Digitalization, thanked the EU4PFM Programme and the Ministry of Finance for their assistance in the IT transformation of the State Customs Service.
As previously reported, such meetings on customs topics are held regularly to assess the implementation of planned customs reform measures and to coordinate the collaboration of the Ministry of Finance, the State Customs Service, and the EU4PFM Programme, which is providing support to Ukraine in customs reform.
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