Updated on: 2024-07-16

The EU4PFM experts’ team is working on strengthening the capacity of the State Customs Service of Ukraine and introducing the EU best practices

Joining the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure (CCTP):
  • Support in preparing secondary legislation necessary for ensuring compliance with the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure (CCTP) and the Convention on Simplification of Formalities in Trade in Goods (CSFTG) provided; 
  • New Computerised Transit System Phase 4 (NCTS P4) in Ukraine deployed;  
  • EU best practice on NCTS Help Desk shared;
  • Actual conformance testing within NCTS Phase 4 completed;
  • Communication on New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) supported;
  • On 1 October 2022, Ukraine joined the Convention on the Common Transit Procedure and Convention on simplification of formalities in trade in goods;
  • Conformance testing of NCTS Phase 5 completed;
  • Start of the international application of the NCTS Phase 5

Implementation of Authorised Economic Operators (AEO) program in Ukraine: 
  • Support in preparing secondary legislation on Authorised Economic Operators (AEO) provided; 
  • Support for application of Authorised Economic Operators (AEO) program in Ukraine provided; 
  • Communication on Authorised Economic Operators (AEO) supported;
  • EU best practice in financial audit (financial solvency).
Alignment of Ukraine’s financial guarantees system with the EU customs legislation:
  • International expertise on draft legislation provided.
Alignment of the Ukrainian legislation with the Union Customs Code (UCC):  
  • Expertise on current legislation and amendments to the Customs Code on relief from customs duties and non-preferential origin of goods provided; 
  • Assessment of Ukrainian legislation concerning BTI and BOI decisions and recommendations for its improvement provided; 
  • EU best practice on the usage of prearrival information and recommendations on entry summary declaration shared; 
  • EU best practice and recommendations on EU customs data model shared; 
  • Assistance with drafting, consultations, assessment of the adopted Law on amendments to the Customs Code № 2510-IX dated 15.08.2022 to align with EU Customs legislation;
  • Assistance with drafting, consultations and recommendations to the Draft Law on amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine #10411 dated 16.01.2024 to align with EU Customs legislation;
  • Assessment of the amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine;
  • Concept paper on alignment of Ukrainian customs legislation with the EU acquis of the Customs Union;
  • EU best practice on the EU provisions in the field of implementation of customs warehousing, temporary storage, free zones and duty-free shops;
  • Recommendations on customs debt and guarantees.
Post clearance control and customs audit: 
  • EU best practice on effective customs audit, risk assessment, management, selection and possible usage of risk assessment information; 
  • Recommendations for improvement of the post-clearance control/ customs audit processes provided; 
  • EU best practice and recommendation on profiling data sets of economic operators involved in international trade, IT systems and selecting economic operators for operational control plans.

Modern Customs Risk management system:  
  • EU best practices and recommendations on risk management for safety and security purposes, recommendations for the IT system with targeting function, on the usage of data on possible violations for risk management, on monitoring of the usage of the risk management system, on the development of risk profiles, shared; 
  • EU best practices and recommendations for improving existing risk management process according to best EU practice, on risk management capacities of Coordination and Monitoring Customs House shared; 
  • EU best practice and recommendations on customs requirements for preliminary information and Import Control System 2 (ICS2).

Criminalisation of smuggling:
  • EU best practices and recommendations on criminalization of smuggling shared;
  • Assistance with the development of the adopted Draft Law on criminalization of large-scale smuggling;
  • Assistance with drafting of amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine on administrative responsibility for violation of customs rules.
Customs valuation control system:  
  • Training of trainers conducted; 
  • EU best practices, recommendations on legislation, administrative and technical environment, databases in the field of customs valuation shared.
Application of tariff and non-tariff measures:   
  • Training of trainer on BTI/BOI, the non-preferential origin of goods, on CITES, dual-used goods, on IPR, PEM Convention conducted; 
  • EU best practices and recommendations on IPR, CITES, market surveillance shared;
  • EU best practice and recommendations on the implementation of special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions);
  • EU best practice and recommendations on ensuring effective customs control on tariff classification of goods;
  • EU best practice and recommendations on FORM 302 (movement of military goods).

Implementation of the EU Customs Code through IT instruments:   
  • EU best practices on e-Customs presented (including the Multi-annual Strategic Plan (MASP) and UCC Work Programme) and recommendations on the development of the national e-Customs prepared;
  • Presentation of the Customs Decisions System (CDS);
  • EU best practice and recommendations on customs processes regarding the import and export of goods and functioning of Import Control System and Risk Analysis Systems. 
Enforcement of intellectual property rights:   
  • Regular workshops with the world-famous companies (right holders) and presentation of EU best practice on IPR.
New Customs Code of Ukraine  
  • Ukrainian translation of the EU Regulations laying down the Union Customs Code;
  • Joint work of the experts (MoF, SCS, MoF RST, EU4PFM) based on MoF order on drafting the new Customs Code;
  • The organizational and technical teams completed the preparation of correlation tables and the first stage (iteration) of the preparation of drafts of seven titles of the new Customs Code of Ukraine.


Main achievements


Main achievements


Main achievements


Main achievements

Budget process modernisation

Main achievements