

Here you can read the latest information about the project activities


A gift to Ukraine for Independence Day from the EU4PFM team is going to Lubny, Poltava region

August 24, 2022

A gift to Ukraine for Independence Day from the EU4PFM team is going to Lubny, Poltava region

Children are the future of Ukraine. Some of them are forced to leave their homes because of the war, separate from their families, and face an uncertain future.

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Ministry of Finance continues to receive emergency assistance from EU4PFM

August 23, 2022

Ministry of Finance continues to receive emergency assistance from EU4PFM

The Ministry of Finance recently received 350 laptops, provided by the EU4PFM project as part of the emergency support to partner institutions under wartime conditions.

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Since the onset of the Russian invasion, EU4PFM continues to step up and deliver much-needed emergency assistance to our partners.

August 18, 2022

Since the onset of the Russian invasion, EU4PFM continues to step up and deliver much-needed emergency assistance to our partners.

This applies to critical customs infrastructure. 6 diesel generators that are necessary for uninterrupted operation of the customs posts in case the power supply is disrupted, were donated to the State Customs service, delivered to locations, installed and are fully operational.

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The presentation of the draft law on the implementation of the international standard of automatic exchange of information took place.

August 12, 2022

The presentation of the draft law on the implementation of the international standard of automatic exchange of information took place.

The EU4PFM project, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Tax Service continue to cooperate to implement the automatic exchange of information according to CRS international standards.

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Ukrainian auditors study Latvian experience in effective public finance management.

August 12, 2022

Ukrainian auditors study Latvian experience in effective public finance management.

While a large-scale war is going on in Ukraine, European Union technical support to Ukrainian state institutions continues, helping the PFM reforms.

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EU4PFM continues to support partner institutions during the war

July 21, 2022

EU4PFM continues to support partner institutions during the war

The Ministry of Finance received from the EU4PFM access to cloud data centers and cloud licences designed to back up its information systems. 

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EU4PFM supports its partner institutions since the start of the war

July 13, 2022

EU4PFM supports its partner institutions since the start of the war

The infographic summarises the equipment that EU4PFM provides to its partners. It will ensure the uninterrupted and critical work of customs officers, tax officials and employees of the Ministry of Finance, even in case of emergency. Some of the listed positions are still on the way, others are already successfully used by colleagues.

The assistance was possible thanks to the financial support of the European Union in Ukraine under the EU4PFM Programme.

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EU4PFM stays united with Ukraine and continues to provide support to partner institutions’ immediate needs

July 13, 2022

EU4PFM stays united with Ukraine and continues to provide support to partner institutions’ immediate needs

The 9th EU4PFM Project Steering Committee took place on 12 July 2022. The event gathered partners from the Ministry of Finance, State Tax Service, State Customs Service, ​​Accounting Chamber, and Bureau of Economic Security with the participation of the European Delegation to Ukraine representatives and EU4PFM international key experts.

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EU4PFM continues to support the State Customs Service in wartime conditions.

July 11, 2022

EU4PFM continues to support the State Customs Service in wartime conditions.

This applies not only to IT solutions, but also to critical customs infrastructure. The equipment that is necessary for uninterrupted operation of the customs posts in case of emergency situations, is crucially important in wartime.

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EU4PFM continues to support STS during full-scale war

July 8, 2022

EU4PFM continues to support STS during full-scale war

Smooth STS operation in times of possible power outages is one of the urgent needs in wartime.

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