

Here you can read the latest information about the project activities


What is an e-cash register?

December 8, 2021

What is an e-cash register?

From January 1, 2022, the legislation on expanding the scope of e-cash registers will come into force.

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“The more permits for customs simplification the company has – the less time and money it spends, the higher its competitiveness”, Vytenis Ališauskas, International Key Expert of the EU4PFM programme

December 7, 2021

“The more permits for customs simplification the company has – the less time and money it spends, the higher its competitiveness”, Vytenis Ališauskas, International Key Expert of the EU4PFM programme

On December 7, the workshop "On the Edge of Change. Introduction of the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) and the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Programme in Ukraine" aroused great interest among the 300 representatives of various segments of the Ukrainian business community and gathered an unprecedented number of participants

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Effective non-financial motivations for employees, which should be known and applied in the civil service

December 7, 2021

Effective non-financial motivations for employees, which should be known and applied in the civil service

An article by Kristina Jakubaityte-Revutiene, EU4PFM Expert on HR /PAR, written especially for ‘Derzhsluzhbovets’ (Ukrainian professional edition) has been published

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On December 7, the online business workshop «On the Edge of Change. Introduction of the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) and the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Programme in Ukraine» will be held

December 3, 2021

On December 7, the online business workshop «On the Edge of Change. Introduction of the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) and the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Programme in Ukraine» will be held


On December  7, 2021, 11:00, the online business workshop “On the Edge of Change. Introduction of the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) and the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Programme in Ukraine”, organized on the initiative of the EU Public Finance Management Support Programme (EU4PFM) jointly with the Public Council under the State Customs Service of Ukraine, the State Customs Service, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the RST of the Ministry of Finance, will start.

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How to form annual goals for the government agencies’ staff more effectively?

December 2, 2021

How to form annual goals for the government agencies’ staff more effectively?

On December 2, with the support of EU4PFM, a training was held for the heads of structural units of the State Customs Service of Ukraine on efficiency management and setting annual goals.

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EU4PFM expert workshop for Ukrainian customs officers on the application Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention on Preferential Rules of Origin

November 26, 2021

EU4PFM expert workshop for Ukrainian customs officers on the application Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention on Preferential Rules of Origin

On 23–24 November, EU4PFM held a remote workshop “Empowering all relevant officials at the central and regional levels to apply the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention on Preferential Rules of Origin”.

The purpose of the event was to train trainers from among Ukrainian customs officers, who would be able to subsequently share their knowledge with their colleagues

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Foreign wealth is becoming more transparent

November 26, 2021

Foreign wealth is becoming more transparent

The latest reforms in the tax sphere were discussed during the X Tax Forum of the Ukrainian Bar Association, which took place on 26 November in Kyiv.

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«Ukraine is already implementing a New Computerized Transit System (NCTS) at the national level and reached a significant progress»

November 25, 2021

«Ukraine is already implementing a New Computerized Transit System (NCTS) at the national level and reached a significant progress»

On November 25, the press briefing "Preliminary assessment mission for Ukraine's joining to the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure and NCTS - progress and next steps" was held.

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The pre-assessment mission on Ukraine’s accession to the Convention on the Common Transit Procedure and NCTS visited the customs office of destination and the customs office of departure

November 25, 2021

The pre-assessment mission on Ukraine’s accession to the Convention on the Common Transit Procedure and NCTS visited the customs office of destination and the customs office of departure

On 24 November, representatives of the pre-assessment mission of the Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union of the European Commission (DG TAXUD) and of three countries party to the Convention on the Common Transit Procedure (Croatia, Turkey, and the United Kingdom) visited customs offices to inspect customs formalities of the joint transit procedures.

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EU4PFM project supports the development of the proposals on improvement of the organisational culture of PFM institutions

November 25, 2021

EU4PFM project supports the development of the proposals on improvement of the organisational culture of PFM institutions

On 23–25 November, the EU4PFM HR/PAR project experts held discussions with the heads of departments of the Accounting Chamber, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, and the State Customs Service of Ukraine on ways to improve the organisational culture of these institutions

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