

Here you can read the latest information about the project activities


EU4PFM promotes best practices of the European Union in government strategic planning

October 12, 2021

EU4PFM promotes best practices of the European Union in government strategic planning

On 11–12 October 2021, representatives of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, staff of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine took part in a training seminar on strategic planning and performance management.

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EU4PFM assists the State Customs Service of Ukraine and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine to train staff in business process optimization technologies

October 6, 2021

EU4PFM assists the State Customs Service of Ukraine and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine to train staff in business process optimization technologies

On October 4-7, 2021, Robertas Šerėnas, an international expert of the EU4PFM project, conducted training on business process optimization for employees of the State Customs Service and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

“The EU4PFM team of experts is constantly working to strengthen the capacity of partner institutions and implement the best practices of the European Union in HRM and PFM field, as this allows to increase the effectiveness of all changes currently implemented in state agencies under the Association Agreement with Ukraine.”, - said during the event the international expert of the project on HR/PAR Edwardas Zhukauskas.

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EU4PFM supports the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in strengthening its institutional culture

October 1, 2021

EU4PFM supports the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in strengthening its institutional culture

What should be a Code of Ethics and Conduct for a Civil Servant? The EU4PFM Project Experts, Mr. Quentin Reed (Czech Republic) and Mr. Goran Klemencic (Slovenia), discussed this at a meeting on Anti-Corruption Policy and Integrity, held on September 30, 2021, with the representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

This event was an opportunity for employees of the Department for Prevention and Detection of Corruption and the Department of Human Resources and Organizational Development of the Secretariat, the Reforms Support Office of the Ministry of Finance to learn about international experience in assessing corruption risks and implementing the codes of ethics and conduct in Europe.

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Support for the development of online services

October 1, 2021

Support for the development of online services

Expert support from the EU4PFM project in the development of online services:

Results are below presented

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Support to strengthen the infrastructure

September 30, 2021

Support to strengthen the infrastructure

The EU4PFM project is working to strengthen the infrastructure in partner institutions.

Together with the State Customs Service of Ukraine

Results are below presented

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EU4PFM supports the State Customs Service efforts to strengthen anti-corruption prevention

September 29, 2021

EU4PFM supports the State Customs Service efforts to strengthen anti-corruption prevention

On September 28, 2021, with expert support from EU4PFM, a training seminar was held on international experience in developing a methodology for assessing corruption risks and implementing codes of ethics.

EU4PFM experts on anti-corruption policy and integrity, Mr. Quentin Reed (Czech Republic) and Mr. Goran Klemenčić (Slovenia), coached the event, which was attended by the heads of all anti-corruption units of the regional branches of the SCS.

About the new system of customs simplifications and about the procedure for obtaining and benefiting from the status of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) from the EU4PFM project for Legal High School

September 28, 2021

About the new system of customs simplifications and about the procedure for obtaining and benefiting from the status of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) from the EU4PFM project for Legal High School

"The AEO program, in the first place, is aimed at honest business, which is ready to work honestly, transparently, and openly", - commented Oleksiy Vorobiov, the EU4PFM National Expert.

It is about the new system of customs simplifications, as well as the procedure for obtaining and benefits of the status of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Oleksiy Vorobiov presented to Legal High School students.

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Round table on the development of the Procedure for establishing the compliance of the conditions of controlled transactions with raw materials under the arm’s length principle.

September 24, 2021

Round table on the development of the Procedure for establishing the compliance of the conditions of controlled transactions with raw materials under the arm’s length principle.

The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, international experts, and the EU4PFM Program have joined their forces to develop a Procedure for establishing the compliance of the conditions of controlled transactions with raw materials under the arm’s length principle.

On September 23rd within the round table framework, representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Tax and Customs Policy, the Supreme Court Ukraine, the State Tax Service of Ukraine, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Reform Support Team of the Ministry of Finance, GIZ project and EU4PFM Programme in Ukraine discussed comments and suggestions from the expert and business community on the draft Procedure.

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The best European practices on tax control measures are for the State Tax Service of Ukraine!

September 23, 2021

The best European practices on tax control measures are for the State Tax Service of Ukraine!

Specialists of the central office and the Main Departments of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, working in the field of tax control, took part in a two-day workshop "International and European practices on tax control measures in the informal economy."

The event was opened by Oleksiy Domanskyi, Deputy Director of the Department of Methodological and Rule-Making Work of the State Tax Service, and Paulius Majauskas, an international key expert on the taxation of the EU4PFM programme.

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The EU4PFM programme supports strengthening the effectiveness of the organizational culture of PFM institutions in Ukraine

September 23, 2021

The EU4PFM programme supports strengthening the effectiveness of the organizational culture of PFM institutions in Ukraine

On September 22-23, 2021, professional discussions took place on the Concept of Implementation of Organizational Culture, developed with the support of EU4PFM, within PFM institutions in Ukraine.

Focus groups worked in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the Accounting Chamber, the State Tax Service of Ukraine, the State Customs Service of Ukraine with the participation of international personnel management experts, Khrystyna Jakubaite-Revutiene, Lithuania, and Rastislav Vrbensky, Slovakia.

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