

Here you can read the latest information about the project activities


Call to participate in the public procurement of development of „E-Workflow system software (DMS) issued by the State Tax Service of Ukraine“ services

September 14, 2021

Call to participate in the public procurement of development of „E-Workflow system software (DMS) issued by the State Tax Service of Ukraine“ services

Lithuanian Public Institution Central Project Management Agency (CPMA) conducts public procurement of development of „E-Workflow system software (DMS) issued by the State Tax Service of Ukraine“ services (Services or Procurement).

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The balance between Business and State: how Customs Works in EU and What Ukraine Should Implement

September 13, 2021

The balance between Business and State: how Customs Works in EU and What Ukraine Should Implement

Vitjanis Ališauskas, International Key Expert on Customs of the EU Public Finance Management Support Programme for Ukraine (EU4PFM) shared his thoughts with European Truth

If Ukraine seeks greater economic integration with the EU, the priority should be the establishment of mutually clear customs rules and procedures.

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Ukraine’s progress in the fight against the tax base erosion

September 13, 2021

Ukraine’s progress in the fight against the tax base erosion

Paulus Mayauskas Head of the Customs and Tax Administration of the Ministry of Finance of Lithuania, EU4PFM International Key Expert on tax reform.

An invisible work that later demonstrates visible results is the development and implementation of a regulatory framework that harmonizes Ukrainian legislation with European legislation.

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EU4PFM provided expert and methodological support to the development of the draft Procedure for establishing compliance with the conditions of controlled transactions with raw materials under the arm’s length principle

September 8, 2021

EU4PFM provided expert and methodological support to the development of the draft Procedure for establishing compliance with the conditions of controlled transactions with raw materials under the arm’s length principle

On September, 7th, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine together with the Committee of Entrepreneurs on Tax Issues of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry/Ukrainian CCI 7  presented the draft of the Procedure for establishing compliance of the conditions of controlled operations with raw materials under the arm’s length principle.

The draft document was prepared by the Ministry of Finance and the State Tax Service of Ukraine. Expert and methodological support were provided by the EU4PFM project.

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Breaking of stereotypes: what do Ukrainians know about who and how is managing public money?

September 2, 2021

Breaking of stereotypes: what do Ukrainians know about who and how is managing public money?

Jurgita Domeikiene, Team Leader of the EU Public Finance Management Support Programme for Ukraine (EU4PFM) on NV.UA commented on the results of a survey on the topic: "Why do Ukrainians pay taxes, and where is that money spent? What do Ukrainians think of those who collect and distribute taxes in the country? Do citizens trust government agencies working in the public finance management area, and if not – why?".

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A workshop “International and European practice of amicable settlement procedure in tax disputes: legislation and implementation”

September 2, 2021

A workshop “International and European practice of amicable settlement procedure in tax disputes: legislation and implementation”

European best practices in tax disputes were presented for EU4PFM partners. More than 300 employees of the central office and the Main Departments of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, who work in the areas of court support and administrative appeals, took part in the workshop

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Best communication practices in action

September 2, 2021

Best communication practices in action

The State Tax Service of Ukraine and the EU4PFM Project are actively cooperating in the implementation of best communication practices.

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E-Cash Registers (ECR) in Ukraine: who benefits from it?

September 1, 2021

E-Cash Registers (ECR) in Ukraine: who benefits from it?

Paulius Majauskas, Head of Tax and Customs Administration Division. Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania, International Expert on taxation in the EU4PFM Program shared thoughts about one of the most crucial tax reforms, which is observed not only by Ukraine but also by its international partners. This is the digitalization of the tax administration system.

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Central Project Management Agency (Republic of Lithuania) carries out the procedure for public procurement of IT solutions for the national partner – the State Tax Service of Ukraine.

August 26, 2021

Central Project Management Agency (Republic of Lithuania) carries out the procedure for public procurement of IT solutions for the national partner – the State Tax Service of Ukraine.

Central Project Management Agency (CPMA) opens the procedure of public procurement of IT solutions for the national partner - the State Tax Service of Ukraine. 

The subject of purchase - software development services for electronic audit (e-audit).

Procurement is carried out within the framework of a project implemented with the support of the EU:

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Greeting from the EU4PFM team on the 30th anniversary of Ukraine`s Independence

August 25, 2021

Greeting from the EU4PFM team on the 30th anniversary of Ukraine`s Independence

Greetings of Jurgita Domeikiene, EU4PFM Team Leader on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence.

“We are Lithuanians and Ukrainians together, we have the same feelings on such a day. We are proud of our independence and strongly defend it.”

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