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Project Management in Public Sector: A New Threat or Opportunity?

September 22, 2021

Project Management in Public Sector: A New Threat or Opportunity?

Jurgita Domeikienė, a Team Leader of EU Public Finance Management Program (EU4PFM), International Key Expert on Human Resources and Public Administration Reform, in an article for the magazine ‘Derzhsluzhbovets’ (The Civil Servant) spoke about Lithuania's positive experience in implementing project management in the public administration.

‘For the private sector, which includes businesses of all sizes, project management is an important tool that moves them forward,’ the publication said. ‘It helps to achieve the desired results effectively and save time… This is an integral part of the public sector development in European countries. Obviously, the question arises, how useful can this be for the public sector in Ukraine?’

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The EU4PFM programme is helping to drive customs reform

September 22, 2021

The EU4PFM programme is helping to drive customs reform

On September 21, 2021, the press center of "Interfax-Ukraine" hold a round table on "Introduction of customs procedures in accordance with European practice: what changes Ukrainian business to expect?" Practical aspects ".

You can view the event here

Organisers are: Програма ЄС з підтримки управління державними фінансами в Україні (EU4PFM)Клуб експортерів УкраїниДержавна митна служба УкраїниІА «Інтерфакс-Україна».

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Support for the development of strategic documents

September 21, 2021

Support for the development of strategic documents

Komanda ekspertiv EU4PFM pratsyuye nad dydzhytalizatsiyeyu protsesiv ta vprovadzhennyam IT-rishenʹ v partnersʹkykh instytutsiyakh, vykorystovuyuchy krashchi praktyky YES razom z Derzhavnoyu podatkovoyu sluzhboyu Ukrayiny ta Derzhavnoyu mytnoyu sluzhboyu.Show morevolume_up222 / 5000

Translation results

The EU4PFM experts' team is working on the digitalization of processes and the implementation of IT solutions in partner institutions, using EU best practices together with the State Tax Service of Ukraine and the State Customs Service of Ukraine

Results are below presented

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What benefits do EU-funded international aid projects bring to Ukraine?

September 17, 2021

What benefits do EU-funded international aid projects bring to Ukraine?

EU4PFM Team Leader, Jurgita Domeikene, and CPMA Deputy Director, Rasa Surauciene, told the journalists of the popular Lithuanian radio program “Public Money” how and in which way the money of European Union taxpayers spend in Ukraine to implement the economic part of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.

EU4PFM Team implements these reforms together with Ukrainian state institutions – Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Tax Service, State Customs Service, Accounting Chamber of Ukraine.

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EU4PFM project helps Ukraine to counter the shadow economy

September 16, 2021

EU4PFM project helps Ukraine to counter the shadow economy

"According to various estimates, depending on the methodology, the share of the shadow economy is 30 to 47 percent," stated Paulius Majauskaus, EU4PFM International Key Expert on tax reform at (the European Union's Public Finance Management Support Programme for Ukraine) during the first economic Lithuanian-Mykolayiv business forum that took place on September 15th in Mykolayiv city.

Paulius Majauskaus also noted that a public survey commissioned by the EU4PFM changed the stereotypical view on Ukrainian society that was largely loyal to the shadow economy.

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Draft Procedure for establishing compliance with the conditions of controlled transactions with raw materials on the principle of “outstretched hand”

September 14, 2021

Draft Procedure for establishing compliance with the conditions of controlled transactions with raw materials on the principle of “outstretched hand”

The EU Public Finance Management Support Program in Ukraine (EU4PFM) provided expert and methodological support to the development of a draft Procedure for establishing compliance with the conditions of controlled operations with raw materials on the principle of "outstretched arm".

The draft document was prepared by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the State Tax Service of Ukraine

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Call to participate in the public procurement of development of „E-Workflow system software (DMS) issued by the State Tax Service of Ukraine“ services

September 14, 2021

Call to participate in the public procurement of development of „E-Workflow system software (DMS) issued by the State Tax Service of Ukraine“ services

Lithuanian Public Institution Central Project Management Agency (CPMA) conducts public procurement of development of „E-Workflow system software (DMS) issued by the State Tax Service of Ukraine“ services (Services or Procurement).

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The balance between Business and State: how Customs Works in EU and What Ukraine Should Implement

September 13, 2021

The balance between Business and State: how Customs Works in EU and What Ukraine Should Implement

Vitjanis Ališauskas, International Key Expert on Customs of the EU Public Finance Management Support Programme for Ukraine (EU4PFM) shared his thoughts with European Truth

If Ukraine seeks greater economic integration with the EU, the priority should be the establishment of mutually clear customs rules and procedures.

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Ukraine’s progress in the fight against the tax base erosion

September 13, 2021

Ukraine’s progress in the fight against the tax base erosion

Paulus Mayauskas Head of the Customs and Tax Administration of the Ministry of Finance of Lithuania, EU4PFM International Key Expert on tax reform.

An invisible work that later demonstrates visible results is the development and implementation of a regulatory framework that harmonizes Ukrainian legislation with European legislation.

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